Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Here is just one of the videos wherein Betsy Price stated that the city needed to work with citizens and neighborhoods to make sure that gas drilling in our city was done right and safely.  On Tuesday the entire City Council abdicated their responsibility to the citizens of this city by not allowing citizens to have "REAL" input into changing the gas drilling ordinance, or correcting mistakes of the past......preferring instead to support this industrial...dangerous activity in neighborhoods and close to schools, day care centers and generally anywhere people live work, and play.

As a matter of pure fact, every single returning council member (and Betsy) promised in May (before the election of course) that they would support a more comprehensive gas drilling ordinance, and allow citizens to take a leadership role in writing an ordinance that more completely protects citizens, our water and our air.  Allowing for greater set-backs and more responsible drilling rules.  Well....obviously that did not happen yesterday 10/25/2011, so perhaps you should read the article just below this one and ask yourself the same question.  "Do you really want to leave something this important up to a City Council that has so completely demonstrated that they care not what you think or what is important to you and your family's health and safety?"  OH...and I hope that you now understand that a council member (to include the mayor) "saying" a thing and actually "doing" something about it is a vast sea of toxic chemicals, polluted water and dirty air!
Why would you even start to believe anything this council has to say about drilling any longer when this latest ordeal was so obviously a scam from the very beginning.  Betsy Price promised the citizens that we would take a serious look at the ordinance and that the neighborhoods would be involved in that process.  So...what happened Betsy?

City Staff (in concert with Betsy, Zim Zimmerman and Danny Scarth) was allowed to present a rewrite of the Gas Drilling Ordinance without any input from neighborhoods or citizens that are currently being negatively impacted by this heavy industrial activity....with almost no limits on what they can do or where.  AND what did the city staff do?  They presented an unsolicited ordinance rewrite that THEY KNEW would not be acceptable to the gas drilling industry nor to the people of this city.  The ONLY city council member to rightfully suggest that the ordinance rewrite be postponed and to involve more citizens was Kathleen Hicks!  Good Lord God people...when will you wake up and catch the dummy?


  1. We really like that Dan Barrett. He is smart and has real charisma along with being smart about the shale gas drilling. Did I mention he is smart? When is Fort Worth going to wake up and elect some people like this guy? Others across the state agree.

    Off the Kuff

    Why are our current crop of politicians (with few exceptions) so DULL??? That goes TRIPLE for Betsy Price. (We actually have an answer to that question.)

  2. For whatever reason the really smart people never get elected. Just look at Danny Scarth...without the wheelchair he doesn't get elected dog catcher. He doesn't even pay his taxes and yet will brag adnausium about how he is watching our tax dollars!
